Parents have been commenting on the perception of failed educational standards for sometime. In particular parents with kids with some years behind them. I note that there is often a comment repeated 'tests are no good anyway' 'not all kids are academic' 'tests disadvantage kids' as a way to undermine the questions asked. We KNOW the standards are poor, but are being gaslit into thinking 'this is the way it is' when our children's 'assessors' use words like 'on track'. I do wonder how society will function when we have cultivated a largely illiterate, unskilled, narcissistic population. We really need to come up with something better.

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I heard that there was a big meeting of the education panjandrums this week where it was suggested that they rename the Higher qualification as Higher was a bit exclusive and might hurt the feelings of those who couldn't achieve it. The logical next step is to get rid of difficult content altogether so that no one gets hurt. It's maddening. The rot is incredibly deep.

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Many parents are very very aware. They don't know what to do. They see their kids not getting the education they had expected/hoped they would. They feel there may be no way back for their kids. They see their kids being failed, despite their best intentions. And that is the parents who ARE aware and ARE engaged. What ARE their options???? It's a terrible state of affairs. Every govt employee who has been involved in this palaver should be fired.

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Whatever my son gets at school will be supplemented at home. We can try to improve things in schools, but the only way to be sure that our children get the best is to try and give it to them ourselves.

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